
On the IAU and IAG actions for updating the Earth's rotation theory and precession-nutation models


TitleOn the IAU and IAG actions for updating the Earth's rotation theory and precession-nutation models

SpeakerProf. José M. Ferrándiz University of Alicante, Spain

Time21 June (Friday), 2:00-3:00 PM

Place:  3rd Floor, small meeting room

+ Tencent Meeting: 745-256-776   https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/ykSrrTDpE5lK



On the IAU and IAG actions for updating the Earth's rotation theory and precession-nutation models

José M. Ferrándiz (chair of JWG CIERT)

on behalf of

Cheng-li Huang (Vice.chair), Alberto Escapa, and Maria Karbon

In the last decade, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) have organized successive joint works (JWG) aimed at studying in depth the current theories and models of the Earth's rotation. Their activity has resulted in IAU and IAG resolutions encouraging the improvement of such theories and models, mainly in terms of the consistency and accuracy of the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP). In the presentations we will recall some findings of the past JWGs and introduce the new JWG on Consistent Improvement of the Theory of Earth Rotation (CITER) and their planed activities.

