
Tide and magnetic field of stars, exoplanets and exomoons



报告题目Tide and magnetic field of stars, exoplanets and exomoons

报告人魏 星 教授 (北京师范大学)

报告地点: 三楼大会议室

报告时间:2024年 4 月 17 日(周三) 上午10:00

腾讯会议: 254-480-149


 I will report on my recent projects about tide and magnetic field of celestial bodies such as stars, exoplanets and exomoons. The projects are as follows. (1) stellar magnetic dynamo: field-rotation relation in anisotropic rotating turbulence; (2) stellar oblique rotator: why solar radiative zone is in uniform rotation; (3) stellar wave transmission: can internal waves transmit at the interface of radiative and convective zones; (4) magnetic tide: ohmic dissipation needs to be taken into account for orbital evolution; (5) tidal resonance: the resonance of tidal wave and orbital motion; (6) exoplanet's inflation: radius anomaly of hot Jupiters; (7) exomoon's retention: where to detect exomoons.



Xing Wei is professor at BNU. He studied BS at Tsinghua and PhD at Cambridge then worked at ETH, Gottingen, Princeton and SJTU before joining BNU.

