




题目:Stellar Flare and Chromospheric Activity of Low-mass Stars and Binaries
摘要:Stellar flare activity plays an important role in the habitability of planets. Previous studies proposed that the star-planet interaction is the cause of the flare activity on the exoplanet host stars. However, Maehara et al. (2012) and Shibiyama et al. (2013) didn’t find exoplanet transiting features in the solar type flare stars’ lightcurves in Kepler observation. We selected 4,199 G and K type stars and binaries. With the spectra from LAMOST and LISA onboard Lulin One-meter Telescope, we measure their chromospheic activity using H-alpha emission level and identify their flare and photospheric activity with Kepler/TESS lightcurves. In this work we find that exoplanet host stars have similar chromospheric active level with the non-flaring stars. It shows that exoplanet host stars are magnetically inactive, and this result agrees with the previous observational results, that star-planet magnetic interaction might not trigger as strong chromospheric and superflare activity as star-star interaction does.

报告人:黃立晴 Li-Ching Huang,台灣國立中央大學天文所博士,台灣國立臺灣師範大學天文與重力中心博士後研究員,專長:恆星磁活動、雙星、系外行星。

